Posted Date: 12/13/23

North Arkansas College, the Harrison Regional Chamber of Commerce, and a host of faculty, 周二下午,教职员工和社区成员庆祝了位于约翰保罗哈默施密特大楼二楼的莱尔特纳商学院的正式盛大开幕和剪彩仪式.

去年,这些商人慷慨地捐赠了100万美元,在BG真人大游APP建立了莱尔·特纳商学院, the largest donation ever. 

斯蒂芬·莱尔(Stephen Lair)经营家族的石油生意一直有一种强烈的使命感,他知道这是他的命运. 他一点也不知道,他的人生道路会与一位名叫史蒂夫·特纳的兄弟会成员相交, 谁不仅会成为一生的朋友,也是一个值得信赖的商业伙伴. 

Together, 他们踏上了建立Petromark的非凡旅程, 这家公司最终成长为阿肯色州第二大石油公司. At its height, the company employed 475 with revenue of $500M dollars, Petromark的成功故事证明了友谊的力量, entrepreneurship, and unwavering loyalty.

根据特纳的说法,该公司是建立在斯蒂芬的父亲ML Lair受人尊敬的声誉之上的. 尽管只上完八年级,ML Lair已经是一个成功的商人了. 

当他成为T上校的司机时,ML进入了石油行业.H. 巴顿是一位著名的石油商、慈善家,也是狮子石油公司的老板. 巴顿上校在石油行业的显赫地位已成为传奇. 事实上,小石城的巴顿体育馆就是以他的名字命名的. As Colonel Barton's driver, ML有幸获得了石油行业内部人士的观点, which captivated him entirely. This experience marked a turning point in his life.

1929年,24岁的ML回到家,找到了他的叔叔. 福勒是哈里森一位受人尊敬的医生,他向他借了500美元开办自己的公司. 因此,ML Lair石油公司诞生了,它坐落在今天的旁路所在的铁轨上. The company name changed to Lair Oil in 1971. After the sale of Lair Oil in 1986, 斯蒂芬和史蒂夫以Petromark的名字重新进入了珠宝行业, Inc. in 1988.

多年来,公司经历了显著的增长. 在成立之初,Lair石油公司成为Lion Oil最大的燃料客户. Turner fondly recalled, "It's funny to think that in our first month here, we sold 300,000 gallons of gas. 在我们职业生涯的末期,我们有过超越这一水平的日子."

毕业后,斯蒂芬于1971年回到公司. 特纳于1972年2月来到这里,并从未离开过. This is a story for another time.

特纳和莱尔明白向哈里森以外扩张以确保公司生存的重要性. Turner explained, “我们意识到,我们的增长将来自一家门店或一个客户, and we needed to venture outside of Harrison." They successfully expanded to Yellville, Marshall, Branson, and Northwest Arkansas, 同时还与德士古等受欢迎的品牌建立了合作关系, Conoco/Phillips and Shell.

For Lair, whose dream was to become an architect, 建设便利店成为他对公司的个人贡献. “我觉得这很酷,因为我父亲以前从未涉足过这个领域. 1983年,第一家店开在卡普斯路(Capps Road),随后在西罗亚泉(Siloam Springs)又开了一家." By 2016, the store count had grown to over 50. 白橡树车站的标语是“超越你的期望”.” 

Petromark的批发燃料业务在2021年出售之前,向三个州的240多家便利店和卡车公司供应燃料. To attract new convenience store customers, Petromark offered store design, equipment bids, policy manuals, employee and backroom training. 这个包罗万象的方案是免费提供的,并最终促成了燃料合同. Turner proudly stated, "It was unique; no other jobber offered such a package to their customers."

两人在创新中茁壮成长,拜访其他企业寻求创意,并从哈里森的铁路遗产中汲取灵感. “We constantly sought to make things intriguing. 赖尔靠过来说:“你知道,卖汽油可不是什么好玩的事!"

为了在罗杰斯的品尼高购物中心收集车站的想法,两人拜访了迪恩 & Deluca in New York. They explored numerous other establishments, amalgamating the best elements into one cohesive package. 他们对卓越的不懈追求在业界并没有被忽视. Pinnacle商店被便利店决策杂志誉为“行业中最独特的商店”,并获得了“阿肯色州最佳商店”的称号.“当时,他们拥有阿肯色州唯一一家同时提供酒类和汽油的便利店.

斯蒂芬·莱尔和史蒂夫·特纳相信回馈支持他们业务的社区的重要性. From 1994 to 2006, Lair and Turner, 通过白橡树车站高尔夫锦标赛筹集的资金, provided support to bg真人游戏注册. Turner shares, "We were able to raise approximately $700K, 我们承诺为bg真人游戏注册的学生提供奖学金,并向Sanctuary伸出援助之手, Share and Care, Boone County Special Services and others.”

Despite their significant contributions, 史蒂夫·特纳和斯蒂芬·莱尔更喜欢保持匿名,避免引起注意. However, Lair explains, “我愿意以我们的名字命名商学院,因为我们希望这能激励其他人也这样做. It is crucial for local individuals to support students. When I graduated college in 1971 and returned here, I noticed that most people who left didn't come back. Of course, bg真人游戏注册 didn't exist back then. But things have changed now, and Harrison is a new place."

BG真人大游APP欣赏他们对回馈社会的关注,并帮助学生实现他们在商业世界中取得成功的潜力. 虽然莱尔处于半退休状态,但特纳仍然积极参与. Interestingly, 两人现在见面的频率比他们雇佣475名员工时要高, even though they don't have much business to discuss. When asked about retirement, like a loyal friend, Lair looked at Turner and said, "We're letting it unfold, but when the time comes to do it, we'll do it together."

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